Which Type Of Soil Is Best For Growing Weed
Soil is a substance that naturally occurs in the form of earth, clay, sand and rocks. Soil provides an environment that your plants need to grow, along with essential nutrients and minerals in order for them to thrive. Many people are buying soil straight from a company because it is easy to have access to, but there are plenty of places online where you can find free soil (including on Reddit). Choosing the Right Soil for Growing Weed If you are like most people, you probably think that soil is just dirt. But in fact, there are a variety of soils that can be used to grow cannabis, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Here's a rundown of the three main types of soil and what they are best suited for growing weed: Loam: Loam is a medium-textured soil that is ideal for growing cannabis because it is well-aerated and has high levels of fertility. It is also easy to work, so it makes a great choice if you are new to gardening or if you want to grow a large number of pla...