The Five Best Ways To Use Weed Other Than Smoking It
If you've been wondering how to use weed other than smoking it, then you're in luck. I've compiled a list of the five best ways that people have come up with to make their consumption more enjoyable and creative. Whether you're looking for ways to use weed or if you want to add new ideas to your personal consumption habit, I hope that this list will lead to some creativity! How to Use Weed There are many ways to use weed other than smoking it. Here are five of the best ways: 1. Add it to your cooking. Weed can be used in a variety of recipes, from simple dishes like burgers and fries, to fancier meals like lasagna and chili. 2. Make cannabutter. This is a recipe that combines cannabis with butter or oil to create a potent marijuana edible. 3. Make tinctures and concentrates. These are recipes that use cannabis extractions to make different forms of marijuana-infused oil, tincture, or wax. 4. Use it as a topical pain reliever. Topical applications of cannabis can help r...